Why is My Car Leaking Water?

October 4th, 2018 by

an accident between a car and motorcycle.

One of the most common questions we hear at Rusnak/Pasadena is “why is my car leaking water from the bottom?” If you have water leaking under your car, it’s natural to be concerned. But before you bring your car in for Pasadena Porsche service near Glendale, you should try to make sure there’s actually an issue that needs fixing. Find out why water might be leaking under your car with the help of our certified technicians, and count on us for Porsche service near Alhambra.

What a Car Leaking Water Means

In most instances, water leaking under your car isn’t an issue to be concerned about. Here’s your guide to finding out what’s going on. If your car is leaking water, then there are several questions you should ask yourself. If your car is leaking water from the bottom, consider the following:

  • Is it really water? – The first thing you need to do is to find out if it’s actually water that is leaking out of the bottom of your car.
  • Is it the radiator? – If it’s a leak near the radiator it could be a coolant leak, which means you’ll need to get it repaired in order to make sure your engine doesn’t overheat.
  • Is it an oil leak? – Also make sure it isn’t an oil leak, which is fairly easy because oil has a distinct amber color and a smell like cooking spray.
  • You’re sure it’s just water? – If you’ve determined that it’s really just water, then there’s probably nothing to worry about. The vast majority of the time, water under your car is an output of your air conditioning, which sucks the humidity out of your cabin and has to release it somewhere–and that’s often under your car.
  • Still not sure? – If you’re unable to determine if it’s water or not, your best bet is to play it safe and bring your car into a trusted technician to check it out.

So, is it your car AC leaking water? Or is it something more serious? Ultimately, if your car is leaking water from the bottom or if your car is leaking water on the passenger side, and you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Get Trusted Pasadena Porsche Service at Rusnak Pasadena Porsche!

Looking for professional Porsche service in Pasadena? You can always count on the factory-trained and certified Porsche technicians at Rusnak Pasadena Porsche, where we offer air-cooled Porsche service as well as authentic Porsche OEM parts for our clients throughout greater La Cañada. We’re always ready to help you learn about why there’s water leaking under a car, or any other service tips you need to know. Our service center is located at 325 W. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, CA, and you can reach us at (844) 242-2521 during our regular service hours, Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

While you’re here, check out our overview of the various reasons your engine light may be blinkingrepair financing, as well as our guide on when to change your synthetic oil and how to check your oil levels.

Posted in Service