Why is My “Check Engine” Light Flashing?

November 21st, 2018 by

If you’ve found your check engine light on , it’s important to figure out what the problem is right away to avoid expensive damage to your vehicle. If your check engine light is flashing, it indicates a much more serious problem, and you should stop the vehicle immediately and have it towed to our service center.  Learn more about why your engine light is on, or why it is flashing, in this guide from your certified Pasadena Porsche service center. Rusnak/Pasadena Porsche is located just a short drive from Glendale, and we’ll take care of all your Porsche service needs in Pasadena.

Check Engine Light On vs. Check Engine Light Flashing

The check engine light, also known as a Malfunction Indicator Lamp, is a signal from your vehicle’s computer that there is a problem with one of the components or systems. If the light comes on you’ll want to make a point of bringing it in so that our service techs can diagnose exactly what the problem is and fix it for you, before it becomes a more serious, and more costly issue.

A flashing check engine light most often indicates that there is an engine misfire. This is a critical, and dangerous situation where unburned fuel enters the exhaust system raising the temperature of the catalytic converter causing irreparable damage. If the light is flashing you must pull over, stop the vehicle, and arrange to have it towed to our service center.

The bottom line: If the check engine light in on, you should schedule a service appointment as soon as possible. If the check engine light is flashing, your vehicle needs service NOW.

Why Your Check Engine Light is Blinking

There are many different reasons that your check engine light could be blinking, but here are just a few of the most likely culprits:

  • Spark plugs
  • Ignition wires
  • Coils
  • Distributor cap
  • Fuel injectors
  • Pistons and rings
  • Timing belt or chain
  • Cylinder head

However, it could also be something as simple as a loose gas cap, which is actually a very common reason that check engine lights come on.

Have Your Check Engine Light Codes Checked

While any of the above symptoms could be the reason your check engine light is blinking, it’s tough to be sure. You can find out for sure what’s going on by having a vehicle diagnostics test run, in which a technician plugs into your vehicle’s computer to get check engine light codes that profile any potential issues with the vehicle.

How to Reset Check Engine Light

The easiest and clearest way to get your check engine light to turn off is to address the source of the problem by having your vehicle serviced. If you do, your vehicle will be more likely to last, and the technician will reset the diagnostics reader on the vehicle, so that the check engine light turns off. However, if you really want to turn it off on your own, a shortcut is to temporarily disconnect the car battery, but this will make you lose all your in-car computer data.

Get the Porsche Service Pasadena Drivers Trust Near Los Angeles

Find out why to service your vehicle here, and then take your vehicle in for Pasadena Porsche service near Alhambra at Rusnak/Pasadena Porsche, located at 325 W. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, CA. Our certified Porsche technicians are here to help you Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and you can contact us directly at (844) 242-2521.

Posted in Service