2021 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet

What Should I Know About Porsche Transmission?

Decades of engineering expertise and innovation go into every Porsche model, from the engine to the braking system, and the Porsche transmission is no exception. From the classic Porsche manual transmission system to the exclusive Porsche PDK transmission system, find out how this component contributes to the incredible Porsche experience. Then, stop by Pasadena for your test drive, and get behind the wheel!



What is a Porsche PDK Transmission?

The Porsche PDK transmission system stands for “Porsche Doppelkupplung”. This translates into “Dual Clutch”, and refers to the specialized clutch design that combines two gearboxes in one automatic transmission. When one clutch is engaged, the other clutch is ready to pop into the next gear at a moment’s notice – which means lightning-fast responsiveness.

What is a Porsche Manual Transmission

While some prefer the ease of the Porsche PDK transmission in Arcadia, others prefer the control of the Porsche manual transmission in Glendale. The manual transmission allows you to shift gears on your own terms, which creates a sportier and more engaged driving experience. And with technology like rev-matching, you can get an even smoother performance without relying on an automatic.

What are Signs of a Bad Transmission?

You know your car best, and if you notice something strange on your normal Los Angeles commute, it’s a good idea to head to the service department. Some of the more common issues we see are:

  • Poor Gear Engagement
  • Delayed Gearshifts
  • Shift Flares
  • Limp-Home Mode

These symptoms indicate issues with the components within your transmission, which need to be professionally assessed and resolved. However, don’t forget to check your transmission fluid levels first. Low transmission fluid can cause all of these problems as well, so it’s worth your time to top off! Stop by our parts department in Pasadena to replenish your stock.

Get Certified Car Service with Rusnak/Pasadena

Whether you’re looking for a new manual Porsche or you’re ready to schedule a service for a transmission flush, Rusnak/Pasadena has a team of Porsche experts that can help with all of your luxury car needs. Contact us today to find out more about our sales and services.

Porsche Service Specials from Rusnak/Pasadena

We are currently updating our Specials. Please check back soon.

Contact Us

Main (626) 376-4504
325 W Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91105
Rusnak/Pasadena 34.1463109, -118.1571157.